
NBA All-Star team announced

2018 All-Star team line-up results released, LeBron James will be with Kevin - Durant, Carey Owen and other team formation, Stephen - Curry chose the "brother of the letters" Adtokunbo, Joel - Embby, James - Harden, etc. as a teammate. The detailed list is as follows:

James team -

Starting: LeBron - James, Kevin - Durant, Anthony - Davis, DeMarcus - Cousins, Carey - Owen

Substitutes: Bradley-Bill, LaMarcus Aldridge, Kevin Love, Russell-Westbrook, Victor Oladipo, Christophe-Boltzinger Sri Lanka, John - Wall

Curry team -

Starting: Stephen - Curry, James - Harden, Demar - DeRozan, Ianus - Adtokunbo, Joel - Abby

Substitutes: Damien Lillard, Jimmy Butler, Drummond Green, Kyle Lowry, Clay Thompson, Anthony Carr-Downs, Al Horford

Lineup Interpretation: the eastern use of height rolling the west?

Team lineup from the point of view, James and Curry's choice of thinking is not the same, James team height obviously dominant, especially the starting player, the Pelican Twin Towers is the league's rare Twin Towers combination, dominant, James Durant also selected, starting in the East equal to four frontcourt players, only Owen a defender. In the bench, the East there are Adrian, Porzingisiqi and Carrefour three inside, Wall also belong to the big point guard, the eastern height in many positions have an advantage, and exercise ability is not inferior, in addition to Carrefour Ade, others are quite good athletic ability.

Curry team upside down like technology flow, team flow route, Curry as a superior technology, like to play team basketball point guard, his teammates generally in line with his preferences. In the starting lineup, Harden is a successful transition guard and guard. Embid is the "big dream" of the new era, Olajuwon. Substitutes, Green, Thompson are Warriors Curry teammates, know little about, Horford, Downs is a capable big man, Lillard, Butler, Lori have a good organizational skills.

James team and Curry team have marked the two star their own mark, two styles of collision can produce what effect? Wait and see.

Player group Aspect: Two less fit, Zhanhuang joint Irving

Compared to the past, all-star players this year because of the reform group added a lot of Aspect.

James team, Durant and Wei less this old Thunder two less fit, the All-Star Game last year, the two already had interaction, playing a wonderful match, won the full house, this year the two will continue as Teammate played. Slightly regrettable is that Harden in Curry team, the former Thunder less than three teams.

Last summer, Owen trouble to leave Knight, he parted ways with James, self-reliant. Whether James will choose Owen has been the focus of attention, and now the results came out, James and Owen become teammates again.

Interestingly, James is the All-Star MVP collector, with all-star MVPs in the last six years being Davis, Weasley (twice), Owen, Chris Paul and Durant, except for the All-Star Paul , The other four are in the James team.

Durant and Cousins ​​do teammates also deserve attention, nearly a year, two people on the court there have been two conflicts, has long ended up Liangzi.

Relatively speaking, Curry team interesting point somewhat lacking, as a direct competitor of the championship this season, Curry and Harden's joint worth attention. Warriors Samsung together against James, Lillard and seemingly less Wei Wei PK also worth a visit.

Related remarks: Zhan Huang regret not live broadcast group

Originally, the All-Star group's biggest stunt is James and Curry as the captain to choose their favorite players, but because of inconsistent views of players, the Union eventually decided not to vote on the selection process live television, which is undoubtedly the media, the fans regret.

Speaking of such a draft result, James has always been reluctant to disclose the order of their choice of players, the moderator for questioning, James even jokingly said: "I can not tell you, I have to tell you, I may get rid of you first. But I want to say, this process is really interesting, it really should be live. "

James and Curry also talked about the draft some of his own thoughts. "I did make a plan in advance, but we all know that for a draft, you are always worried about the person you want to be picked up by another captain. Your plan will be disrupted, So adjust your plan in time. "James said.

Curry said his draft approach is slightly different from that of James: "Because I was the second one, there was no advantage, so I mainly decided to see who James chose until the middle of the draft, which is me When I picked up a substitute player, I started to feel that there was some dislike. I was thinking for some time. "

It is noteworthy that, James starting lineup, has moved from Knight to Celtic Owen, for this choice, James explained: "I was among the players who can choose the best one Owen and Carrefour are all special, and I can recall a lot of memories of the All-Star with them, at the time Irving was on the list of available players and he was one of the best point guards For me, this is an easy choice to make. "

James also talked about his starting lineup: "I and Anthony - Davis and Cousins ​​have a good chemical reaction, and Owen also have some chemical reaction, and I think Durant to adapt to any of the world Basketball system. "

Like James, there are some very interesting things among Curry-selected players, such as Embed. Turning to the idea of ​​choosing Bity, Curry said: "He is a very talented player, and in the future he may make the All-Star many times and I may want to hand over my Twitter account "

When the host asked to finish the draft, the two will not imagine later to be a general manager, James smiled and replied: "This and the general manager's job is still very different, when You do not have the chance to pick 12 All-Star players. "

For James and Curry teams which side is stronger, the United States Yahoo Sports also voted to vote, 80% of the fans chose the James team. Chris Bersard, also noted on Twitter, said: "In my opinion, James team stronger, his team has height, the player is also a bigger card some of my brothers, I just hope these guys can take the game seriously Good fight. "

Selection rules introduced

Although James and Curry are the ticket king of the East and West, but compared to Curry, James is still a higher number of votes, so James will pick the first person. And according to the rules, James and Curry need to be the first of the remaining eight starting liners in the selection of substitutes, Curry will be prior to James selection. In other words, Curry will be in the 8th overall and 9th pick consecutive pick, and this choice will also determine the way the last player to be selected, not by James, but From the pick in the 21st place in the decision of the library, so that was "left out" the last person, do not blame Zhan Huang. James and Curry aside from having to change the order of picks when selecting bench players, the other two are alternately picked up until their respective teams have 12 players.

It is worth mentioning that, James and Curry after the selection of players, the formation of the team is no longer called "East" and "West", but "James" and "Curry", was detachment of 24 Players will wear special All-Star jersey to distinguish their own team.

All-Star shirt announced

NBA officially announced the 2018 Los Angeles All-Star shirt. Shirts for the black and white, his chest printed star their team team standard, adherence to minimalism. According to the latest news, Curry team will be wearing black jerseys, James team wearing a white shirt.

This season, NBA jerseys sponsor changed from the previous Adidas NIKE. And because of the sponsor's replacement, the style of the All Star shirt has undergone some changes. For some time, all-star shirt variety, such as the 2001 All-Star, Iverson wearing a 76 jerseys, Bryant wearing the Lakers jerseys, Tracy McGrady is wearing a magic shirt. Later, the All-Star jersey is divided into east and west, but generally have more bright colors, such as blue and red.

But at the 2018 All-Star Game, NIKE introduced a minimalist design All-Star shirt, only black and white color. Jersey front of the team where the player's Logo, the back is his number and name. For example, Curry jersey, the front is the Warriors team logo, followed by the 30 and "CURRY" message.

It is worth mentioning that, because of the lead in the All-Star vote, James has the right of first preference, and in turn, in the selection of shirt, the library has the priority. Curry chose the black shirt for the team, James team will wear a white shirt.

For the design of All-Star shirt, public opinion is mixed. Proponents believe that this design is back to basics, so that jerseys become more pure. The United States, "Slam Dunk" magazine commented that All-Star shirt set is simple and perfect. However, opponents believe that the All-Star is, after all, a grand stage, a festival of players and all fans. However, the jersey design is not only black and white two colors, but did not add more elements, but also too dull.

All-Star weekend time

The 2018 All-Star vote begins on December 22, 2017 and ends on January 16, 2018, at 1:00 PM. The NBA All-Star voting system changes, the first launch of "double counting votes" activities, in January 1, January 5, January 12, January 13 and January 16 new 5 days Double counting day.

Fourteen substitutes are still voted by 30 team coaches, including three strikers in the east and west, two defenders and two players in any position. If someone can not compete due to injury, NBA president Adam - Xiao Hua will be assigned to replace candidates.

In addition to setting new rules for the vote, this year's All-Star entry rules have also made a major change, the 2018 All-Star Game will no longer be divided into East and West, replaced by two All-Star captain from other All-Star players In the pick-point will be team to compete.

All-Star bench list released on January 24. The final All-Star group result was announced on January 26.

2018 All-Star Weekend will be held February 17 - February 19 in Los Angeles, which is held in the NBA's 67th All-Star Game, February 17, the first to usher in the Masters and Rookie Challenge; will be held on the 18th Thirds, skills and dunk and other items; February 19, All-Star race will be officially staged.

The predecessor of the NBA Live series was the NBA Playoffs series, which featured Lakers vs. Celtics, released first in 1989 for MS-DOS-compatible PCs and later adapted for consoles in early 1990 for the Sega Mega Drive. This game was played from a horizontal view (while later versions moved to an isometric view before ultimately moving to 3D on newer consoles). The game was one of the first to feature an NBA license, containing both real NBA teams and player likenesses and signature moves. Details such as Horace Grants goggles are clearly visible, and Michael Jordans "Air Reverse Layup" is animated with very high accuracy. Player numbers were also visible. The game featured only eight of the sixteen teams that qualified for the NBA playoffs that year, as well as both NBA All-Star teams.

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