
Desmond - Howard's first Secret Service MVP

Like the first hidden figure in this series, Jim Prendergut, Desmond Howard, who is a Heisman winner, should not have appeared in Fight for the First World War. Howard of the University of Michigan Wolves team had created or flatten five NCAA records and 12 Wolverines records, his total score of 138 in the 1991 season ahead of the entire Big Ten league, which also made him in the season's Hayes The first prize ballot was won by 85% in the Man Awards and was undoubtedly elected.

However, into the professional alliance Howard can not reproduce the glory of college. His 1992 NBA Draft No. 4 in the first round of ultra-high pick by the Washington Redskins off, but as an outside receiver in his first two years of career together only got 26 catching 306 yards 0 touchdowns. By the third season he finally shot a decent appearance, with 40 catches 727 yards 5 touchdowns averaging 18.2, but this was based on 103 passes - when the quarterback chose to pass him Only 38.8% rate. And this is actually the most beautiful year of his entire career catching data ...

In 1995, the expansion of the draft, the newly formed Jacksonville Jaguar to Howard under the command of. Played 13 games starting 6 games, 56 passes to complete 26 to get 276 yards 1 touchdowns, this catching performance is still people shook his head. But Howard this year to regain part of the work of returning the attacker, played a special role in the Secret Service. However, the tasks assigned to him in the first two years of the Red Army were different. He tried to abandon the attack more here and the number of kick-off attacks was relatively small. 24 times back to attack 246 yards, all code 10.3, such an abandonment kickback data fairly get rid shot.

With no Jaguar contract renewal, Howard became a free agent in the 1996 offseason. He eventually signed a contract with Green Bay Packers for a year to join the top squad with MVP quarterback Brett Farforth and pass-through Reggie White. Howard began to focus on the work of returning to usher in a complete eruption this season, 58 kicked back attack won 875 yards and 3 touchdowns, both 15.1, the longest yards 92, all of these data ranked first in the league, of which 875 yards The single-quarter kickback attack yardage is refreshing the historical record. This performance also led him to abandon the return of the identity of the player selected the best squad of the year. To the playoffs, he still continued his fiery state. Against the 49-nation San Francisco Division of San Francisco division, his first kick back attack ran out of the 71 yards back attack touchdowns. The second time, he returned to attack 46 yards to 49 of 7 yards line. These two extremely successful kick-offs helped the team get a 14-0 lead early and open the door to victory. The packer's opponents in the NFL are the Forces Nouveau Carolina Panthers, who not only won the No. 2 seed in the league in their second year of team history, but also defeated the defending champion Dallas Cowboys in the division. This game Howard used four kickbacks to contribute 104 yards, the longest of which was 49 yards, and in the abandoned kick attack he has few chances, only once 3 yards credited. But this also does not hinder the packer in the case of slow start after the striker, won the game into the Super Bowl!

Packers in the 31st Super Bowl opponent is the No. 2 seed New England Patriots, the latter's road to the same smooth sailing, they first Division 3 victory over No. 3 seed Pittsburgh Steelers, then Midland Final 20-6 Lectra Playoff Game Black Horse Jacksonville Jaguar. Patriots led by star quarterback Drew - Bledsoo in good condition, intended to compete with Phaff the Packers, a strong dialogue of Mars hit the earth at the trigger.

In the first round of defense, the Packers forced the Patriots to abandon the kickoff. Howard just returned from playing 32 yards to 46 yards in the back court. Immediately thereafter, Faffe grasped this good offensive position very effectively and took over in the second tranche against Andrey Reison, completing a 54-yard touchdown and winning the packer's lead. Packers then use the defensive group interception and free kick to add 3 points, made 10-0 lead. Although the Patriots kept their feet steady response to the two touchdowns went-ahead score, but the Packers quickly regained control of the situation on the pitch, with a 27-14 score into the intermission.

The third quarter after the match, celebrity run Curtis - Martin's 18 yards rushed touchdowns to help the Patriots 21-27 narrowed the score gap. However, the next Howard's good show was officially staged - he received a kick-off in the backcourt 1 yards through the crowd straight down the end area, completing an amazing 99 yards back attack touchdowns! With Faver tied in two, the Packers set a 14-point lead. Since then Packers defensive group took over the game, so that Patriots can not even backcourt 32 yard line they not only frequently sack Bledsoe, but also to the star quarterback and sent two steals. The final score of 35-21 remained to the whistle-blow, packers once again won the Super Bowl 29 years later, Lombardi Cup back home!

So the question is, who is the Super Bowl MVP? Is the outgoing 246 yards 2 touchdowns plus one touch ball touchdowns Brett - Farf? Or a single field three times kill kill Reggie - White? The result is not! Desmond Howard with 4 kick-offs back to 154 yards and 1 touchdowns and 6 kick-offs back to 90 yards performance was elected MVP, becoming the league's history has been the only so far rated super Bowl MVP Secret Team player!

Once again a free agent Howard joined the Oakland Raiders in the 1997 season, ranking second in the league with a total of 1318 yards of total kick-offs in a single season. After two years of serving the Raiders, he returned to the old packer, but in just half a season he was swept away by the old club due to poor performance and injury. However, the blessing, how to know non-blessing? After Howard switched to the Detroit Lions and played for the 2002 season, during which he was the first time in 2000 to kick-off backhand the identity of the first occupation bowl, ushered in another peak NFL career. As the fourth-placed receiver in the first round, Desmond Howard probably is an upstart high-end parallel ... but the East is not bright as West and as a backhand he burned his maximum energy in the professional arena and In the history of the Super Bowl left a glorious sum!
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