
Manchester United 2-0 victory over Everton

In the 22nd round of the 2017-18 Premier League season, Manchester United beat Everton 2-0 away and made a good start to the New Year. Pogba dedicated dedication, Marshal and Lingard each scored a goal.

Competition highlights:

Manchester United New Year opener: defeating Everton, United won the New Year, this is their first five games of all competitions. Manchester United temporarily rose to second place in the standings in Chelsea's current round.

Mashale starting break the ball shortage: The field succeeds Lukaku starter Martha to break the ball shortage since November 28, this is his 9th ball of various events this season, including the Premiership 7th ball.

Lingard season tenth ball: Lingard sent a wonderful goal before the whistle, so far this season he has scored 10 goals for the Manchester United games, the Premiership Premier League scored 7 goals.

Wonderful review:

4231 formation of the Manchester United discharge the field, as a single arrow Ma Cheer, Ibrahimovic and Lukaku are injured. Mata and Lin Jiade two wings Qi Fei, Herrera, Matic and Pogba midfield iron triangle station. Defender line, Phil - Jones and Rojo partner Zhongwei, Luke - Xiao and Lindeluofu left and right, goalkeeper or Degea. Everton, Rooney starting against the old main.

The first 4 minutes, Wayne Rooney at the top of the arc by Phil - Jones blocked the bottom line. Then Rooney left corner kick pass, Holgate's header Gongmen high. 25 minutes, Herrera pass, Phil - Jones long shot above the bottom line. The first 38 minutes, Lingard points, Pogba's long-range was blocked a little after the left-column outside. The first 41 minutes, Lin Jiade counterattack in the attack long-range, the ball slightly outside the right post outside.

The first 47 minutes, Luke - Xiao Hui, Mata's long-range pick up by Piccolford beams. The first 51 minutes, Herrera pass, Mata burst shot hit the left post column pops up.

The first 57 minutes, Mata points to the left, Pogba broke into the restricted area cross, Ma Shaer free throw within the arc hit the upper right corner, Manchester United 1 to 0 lead Everton.

The first 63 minutes, Pogba restricted forcibly left foot forbidden goal, the ball slightly above the crossbar. The first 70 minutes, Holgate pass on the right, Nias's header slightly missed the right goal post. The first 79 minutes, Pogba restricted area left-sided pass, Lin Jiade's shot saved by Pickford bottom line.

The first 81 minutes, Pogba points, Lin Jiade left after the breakthrough pierced the world wave, the ball flies into the upper right corner of the Manchester United 2-0 defeat Everton.


Match, Manchester United 21 times shot 6 shots are scoring two goals, Everton 12 shots missed shots all did not score. Manchester United ball control rate of 60%, while Everton was 40%.


Everton (4-2-3-1):

Goalkeeper: Pickett # 1

Defenders: Holgate No. 30, Ashley-5, No. 4 Michael-Keane on the 4th, Martina on the 15th

Midfielder: Tom Davis on the 26th, Schneiderlin on the 2nd

Midfielders: Frasic 27, Rooney 10 (62 minutes, McCarthy 16), Pracaix 7 (62 minutes, Lennon 12)

Forward: Nias No. 19 (81 minutes, No. 29, Calvert - Lewin)

Manchester United (4-2-3-1):

Goalkeepers: No. 1 Degea

Defender: No. 2 Lindeluofu, No. 4 Phil - Jones, No. 5 Luohu, No. 23 Luke - Xiao

Midfielder: 21 Herrera, 31 Matic

Midfielders: Mata 8 (92 minutes, Anzember 38), Pogba 6, Lingard 14 (87 minutes, Brind 17)

Striker: No. 11 Marshall (77 minutes, 19 Rushford)

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