
Rockets can do this all won

The Rockets have been notable since the start of the season, making a record 17-4 against the current season of about a quarter, making it the third best start in the history of the team and trying to keep up with the strong enemy such as the Warriors First in the west, this absolutely exceeded the imagination of many people.

Coach D'Antoni just got the best coach in the West in November, Harden won the best western player in November, fans are talking about the rocket is not the strongest team? In the original column Tencent Sports "reasonable rating ball", Zhang Weiping to bring you in-depth analysis.

Depth topic: the rocket is not the league's strongest team?

There is a saying in the NBA that the championship has always been the strongest team before it is kicked off, so the rocket is not the strongest team to add a suffix "one," that is, the rocket is the strongest ball Team one, or add a time adage, the rocket is the strongest team.

Rockets can achieve such a record, first of all, Morey contributed. Because he risked a great deal of risk, he developed a general strategy and blueprint for the Rockets and used the blueprint to find coaches and lineups. His overall strategy is to speed up, vote one-third, under the basket, to give up two points, so he was looking for a coach is D'Antoni, is a running boon coach. Looking for team members? The team already has Harden and arranges a set of archers around Harden, like Gordon and Anderson, and later because of the need to improve defense, Tucker and Baboot, including dual-core signing this summer, One of Chris - Paul, so now from the play point of view, the rocket represents the modern basketball style and trend, is "speed and space."

Second, the Rockets under the guidance of D'Antoni, run-off interpretation of the most vividly. Now the Rockets voted a little bit offensive. This season, 14 games have been cast in at least 20 one-third ball. In the past two seasons, the other 29 teams have added up to 20 three-pointers in a single game six fewer times per team than the Rockets. The Rockets third shot also put each other into their own rhythm, for example, a few days ago, the Rockets and the Nets cast a total of 89 three-pointers, a record league history. The previous record is the two teams voted 88 thirds, a total of 4 times, and each time a rocket involved.

Third, so far, Harden played MVP performance and data. When Paul was injured, Harden single core led the advance, and Paul back after the injury is even more unstoppable, so now that D'Antoni said he has no adjectives to describe Harden, can only say that he was in another Play on a level.

Fourth, Paul joined, so that the rocket is even more powerful. Despite the injury to rest 14 games, but as long as he played, that is a win-win situation! Paul had to penetrate each other's defensive hinterland, doing her best to attract at least two defenders in order to reluctantly make a teammate a chance, now in Paul's words, "I have never been surrounded by at least three pitchers, everywhere Space, opportunities are everywhere, I have too many options, too cool. "This is a" win ", in addition to his teammates is also benefited, received Paul's pass, the other three-point hit rate Is 50%, while Anderson last season, deep trade rumors, and now he took Paul pass, three-point shooting hit 77.3%, once again sit tight start. So that is a "win-win", one is that Paul can play his own characteristics, while his teammates and his partner will become even more powerful.

Fifth, the rocket attack is the league second, at the same time the Rockets also recognize the importance of defense. Defensive players recruited this season, Tucker, Ba Mote, including Paul, are all outstanding defensive player, as of December 3 Beijing time, the Rockets' defense ranked sixth in the league, including steals fifth, blocked shots XI, rebound twelfth, defensive rebound share is the first in the league.

The last point is the Rockets thirst for victory. Rockets recent stage, that is, the entire November 13 war 12 wins, made 12 wins and 1 record, it can be quite sturdy. Which has five away games, each winning more than 15 points, historically only the Knicks of the season 69-70, the Pistons of the 03-04 season, the 11-12 season, the Heat have had five consecutive road wins and Points difference is more than 15 points, and these three teams won the championship the same year. This also shows that it is not easy to do this. Not only do you have superior strength and extraordinary talent, but you also need perseverance and determination. Because win more, often easy to relax, the opponent will be less contempt, with "cruise speed" this way to play, the league some super teams as well. Therefore, the rocket in the degree of hunger and the desire for victory than some of the current super-team stronger.

However, if analyzed carefully, the rocket averaged only 47.5% of the 13 opponents in November, with the current Eastern Knicks winning eighth at 52.4% and the eighth at the western end receiving 50% of the pelicans. In other words, the rocket's November opponents will not be able to play on the playoffs on average, so I think we should not be blindly optimistic, that is to say the Rockets really play very relaxed and very good, but the opponent is not very strong.

In the future I think the Rockets should pay special attention to reduce errors, because the team's mistakes are now Union 21. In addition the team has greatly improved the defense, but still want to enhance the stability and collective, can not be satisfied with the current achievements, to maintain hunger degree, strive to remove the suffix or time adverbial, become the real strongest team.

User interaction: what is the experience of learning English?

In this issue of "reasonable assessment of the ball" interactive users, Tencent Sports netizens also Zhang proposed a question, what is the experience of learning English? Zhang Weiping guidance has also been answered.

In fact, the language of learning has a sensitive period, learn in this sensitive period, will work more efficiently; after a sensitive period to learn, it is more effective. This is a very personal experience for myself. I envy many young people nowadays because at an early age they learned English conditionally during their sensitive periods of learning languages. When I was in school, I learned Russian very well because of the good relations with the socialist countries. The United States is a capitalist country and can not learn their own language. By the time of the Cultural Revolution, learning foreign languages ​​was even a spy and a spy. It was a crime to seize. So for me, only after the end of the Cultural Revolution and the resumption of college entrance examination in 1977, can we begin to learn English.

But at that time was the pinnacle of my players era, training, the task of the game is very heavy, even taking the time to learn English, one is not enough time, there are side edge companion "cynicism," because at that time did not recognize learning English The importance of

And a game out, will forget to come back, so I summed up the one that I always have to learn "Lesson One", the first lesson of learning. Only after I was retired did I have a chance to go to university for a public foreign language course. However, at that time I was over thirty years old and had already passed the sensitive period of studying and learning English.

This time only stupid birds to fly, pay more efforts than others, the effect is not necessarily good, this is more effective. At that time the toilet have to take English textbooks, cycling on the road have to hold the word back the word, which is actually quite hanging. This is the case, but still more than young people, but I remember very clearly. Once I attended an activity at the university. There was an English person behind me who said I was a foreigner. Looking back, I was 20 Early Chinese students, and I did not ask a question abroad, I asked him where you learn English? He said that he had studied at an early age and that he had foreign teachers in secondary schools and universities. He is learning in the sensitive period of this language, so do more with less.

Of course, diligence can make ends meet, I pay close attention to the time every day, read a lot of basketball books and articles in English, so that in the face of basketball professional English, the basic can now be freely applied. But you have to say that speaking and daily life, really is not as good as young people, and now we are really incredibly young people.

If everybody wants me to give a suggestion, my suggestion is that when you are young, that is, when the language is sensitive, you should pay close attention to learning English. In addition, you should take every opportunity to read English, especially English, and do not become dumb English. . To read, to say more, so your English will be 666.

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