
NBA official website today released the latest issue of "veteran war list"

NBA official website today released the latest issue of "veteran warfare list", LeBron - James is still topped the list, Chris Paul for the first time into the list, came in sixth place, Dwyane - Wade dropped out of the top ten list. (Note: veteran players participating players for the league more than 32-year-old player, the statistics this deadline to November 30 US time.

LeBron - James, 32, Knight

Last ranking: 1

Data on the last two weeks: played 7 games, averaging 27.4 points and 10 rebounds and 8 assists

This season's data: 28 points and 8.1 rebounds and 8.5 assists

James is back in 2015 as he is in 2015, having scored just under 20 points in two of the last 15 games and scoring more than 30 points in three of the last two weeks. Even more commendable is that James led the Cavaliers are going through a wave of ten straight. And James 58.4% shooting and 42.5% three-point shooting both create a record high personal career.

2. Aldridge, 32, Spurs

Last ranking: 3

Data on the last two weeks: played 6 games, averaging 25.8 points 7.8 rebounds and 2.0 assists

This season's data: 23.1 points and 8.2 rebounds and 2.3 assists

After scoring 33 points against the Mavericks last season, he scored 41 points against the Grizzlies, averaging 30 for the first time in two consecutive games since March 25-28, 2016 the above. And Adrian is still in the game with the Grizzlies hit three record three points.

3. Mark Gasol, 32, Grizzly

Previous ranking: 2

Data on the last two weeks: played 6 games, averaging 15.2 points and 8.0 rebounds and 6.2 assists

This season's data: 18.6 points 8.9 rebounds and 4.3 assists

Mark Gasol last two weeks feel as bad as the Grizzlies record, the past six games shooting only 35.5%, shooting only 27.3% from thirds, feel the best of a game but only 13 5, Grizzlies hard to win in the past ten games, Fitzgerald coach has been after class.

4. Cameron - Anthony, 33 years old, Thunder

Last ranking: 4

Data on the last two weeks: played 6 games, averaging 18.8 points and 6.3 rebounds and 1.8 assists

This season's data: 19.7 points, 6.2 rebounds and 1.6 assists

In the past seven games, Anthony scored 16-22 points, compared with six consecutive 20 + stable performance early in the season, and "melon" shooting only 41.9%, creating a record low career.

5. Tai-Gibson, 32, Minnesota

Last ranking: 5

Data on the last two weeks: played in 8 games, averaging 11.9 points and 9.4 rebounds and 2.0 assists

This season's data: 10.8 points and 8.3 rebounds and 1.5 assists

Gibson still continues the performance of "two pairs of machines", has won three consecutive double-double this season has also sent two pairs of data nine times, to know he had a total of 11 games last season, such performance. Gibson averaged 15 points and 11 rebounds in the Timberwolves' four-game win over the two weeks.

6. Chris Paul, 32, Rockets

Last ranking: not included in the list

Two weeks of data: played 5 games, averaging 12.6 points and 3.6 rebounds and 10.4 assists

This season's data: 11.1 points and 4.3 rebounds and 10.3 assists

After Paul's recovery, he was finally able to participate in the "Warrior List" rating. Although Paul did not shoot 44.9% from the field, Paul has sent more than 12 assists in three consecutive games, Antony's system played very happy.

7. Courtney Lee, 32, Knicks

Last ranking: 9

Data on the last two weeks: played 7 games, averaging 14.6 points and 3.9 rebounds and 3.4 assists

This season's data: 12.6 points 3.8 rebounds and 3.0 assists

8. Zach - Randolph, 36 years old, the king

Last ranking: 8

Data on the last two weeks: played 7 games, averaging 12.7 points 5.7 rebounds and 2.4 assists

This season's data: 12.9 points and 5.9 rebounds and 2.0 assists

9. Paul Gasol, 37, Spurs

Last ranking: not included in the list

Data on the last two weeks: played 6 games, averaging 13.8 points and 7.2 rebounds and 2.2 assists

This season's data: 11.4 points and 7.9 rebounds and 3.3 assists

10.JJ - Redick, 33 years old, 76 people

Last ranking: 10

Data on the last two weeks: played 7 games, averaging 16.6 points and 2.6 rebounds and 2.7 assists

This season's data: 15.4 points and 2.9 rebounds and 3.6 assists

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