
Rockets away to 101-108 negative piston suffered two-game losing streak

Rockets away to 101-108 loss to the Pistons, the last resort overturned failed, suffered two-game losing streak. The game off the collective feel cold, playing no rules. Paul contributed 16 points, 7 rebounds and 13 assists, but still unable to help the team comeback.

In addition to Paul, Ariza 15 points, Green 15 points, Capella 14 points and 11 rebounds, Gordon 15 points and 7 assists, Blake 13 points and 6 rebounds. Pistons Harris 27 points and 8 rebounds, 16 points, Baixi, Block 14 points, 17 points, Smith, Bradley 12 points, 10 points and 5 rebounds.

Star of the field: Harris blast rockets

The performance of Harris dazzling audience, the audience grabbed 27 points and 8 rebounds. In the absence of Drummond, the PF strikes out without any temper to Hugh's defensive line.

Competition trend: rocket away defeat

The two sides after the opening you come to me, the score turn up, Anderson hit a third succeeded Capella layup, Block scored 5 points, Paul wing personally hit a long shot, the Rockets to 15-14 lead. However, Harris then arc long shot, Ariza made foul 3 free throws. Ariza layup after Harris storm also with color, Green hit long shot, the Rockets 31-24 once extended the advantage to 7 points. Baixi also color, Black and Tuck hit again and again. Before the end of the first section, Black made a foul two free throws, the Rockets 37-31 to gain the advantage.

However, after all, the Pistons home game, quickly recovered in the second section lost ground, Ma Yan Norwich made two free throws after a foul, Bradley Jumpers jumper, 42-44. Little Gordon raid success, Ismail - Smith immediately respond in the same way, Topliff made two free throws, the two sides tied. After the two teams returned to the staggered situation, the score rose alternately. After Paul Smith assault dunks Paul made two free throws, Capello and Harris each had 2 points, the Rockets 58-57 lead with 1 minute into the second half.

However easy to battles unpredictable changes, Rockets players feel cold, Ariza, Anderson and Gordon have plunged into the shooting, the Pistons took the opportunity to influence the wave opened the score difference, Bradley hit long shot, the score becomes 75 -65, it touches the home team go-ahead 10 points. Rocket hit more and more bad, the Pistons took advantage of the outside hit consecutive one-third, Block shot long wing succeeded, the home team has pulled the advantage to 14 points. Black completed dunks, Majanovic turned hook, small Gordon cast long shot, the Rockets to 77-88 behind the double-digit into the distal.

Green hit third, small Gordon emergency stop succeeded in the vote, the Rockets reduced the score to 82-88, forcing the Pistons requested a suspension. Suspended after the Van Gundy arrangement Ma Yan Norwich continuous storm inside, the effect is remarkable. After Baixi Anderson hit third in the vote, the Pistons to re-establish a 96-82 lead 14 points. After Capella layup, Moran and Smith scored 4 points, 4 minutes and 14 seconds before the end of the game, the Rockets 16 points behind. Although Paul last minute trying to help the Rockets counterattack, but the general trend has gone.

Game Highlights: Drummond Ma Young

Majanovic outstanding performance in this game, contributed 10 points and 5 rebounds, especially his continuous singles in the basket, creating a great disturbance to the rocket. After this section is replaced by the end, Drummond also specifically embraced Mayanovic.

Both starting lineup

Rockets: Paul, Gordon Gordon, Ariza, Anderson, Capella

Pistons: Smith, Bradley, Block, Harris, Moreland

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